Why Seahawks great Richard Sherman is facing more problems after DUI arrest

Sherman could be facing more legal issues.

Former Seattle Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman got in trouble with the law on Saturday.

Sherman was arrested Saturday morning for a DUI. He was booked into jail shortly before 5 a.m. PT.

The incident continues to be investigated but it could give Sherman more trouble since he was also in some legal trouble a little less than two years ago.

Seahawks great Richard Sherman

In March of 2022, the former Seahawks legend pleaded guilty to first-degree negligent driving and second-degree criminal trespass along with speeding in a construction zone. All three infractions were considered misdemeanor charges.

At the time, he was given a 90-day suspended sentence and had to have monitored supervision for the next two years. Those two years aren’t up until next month. Because of that, Sherman could be facing additional legal consequences.

Richard Sherman played for Jim Harbaugh at Stanford during his time in college. He was drafted by the Seahawks in the fifth round of the 2011 NFL Draft.

Sherman spent several years in Seattle playing for the Seahawks, from 2011-2017. He won a Super Bowl with the franchise in 2014, playing with the “Legion of Boom” defense.

After his time with the Seahawks, Sherman also played with the San Francisco 49ers and Tampa Bay Buccaneers before leaving the NFL in 2021. He finished his NFL career with 495 tackles and 37 interceptions.

Sherman has done television work for the last two years after playing in the NFL He’s worked for Amazon Prime Video as part of its Thursday Night Football coverage and has done work on FS1’s Undisputed alongside Skip Bayless.

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