Chicago Bears shocks NFL fans with first QB prospect chosen for interview

The Chicago Bears picking a quarterback with the top pick of the 2024 NFL Draft is an open secret at this point. While Justin Fields’ performance during the 2023 season showed great flashes, it ended up not being convincing enough to push the Bears away from looking at the draft for a possible replacement.

While the consensus is that they’ll select USC standout Caleb Williams with the first pick, it’s due diligence for the Bears to inspect the other QB prospects of the class to ensure Williams’ place as the perfect fit for their organization.

chicago bears caleb williams

USC quarterback Caleb Williams leaves the field after a 38-20 loss to UCLA on Nov. 18, 2023, in Los Angeles. Credit: Ryan Sun/AP
The team has reportedly begun interviewing some of the prospects, but the first person off the list may surprise some fans.

Chicago Bears interview NC Central QB Davius Richard as draft process gains steam
Sports Mockery’s Erik Lambert reported that GM Ryan Poles and his scouting team expressed interest in NC Central’s Davius Richard after his solid performance in the Hula Bowl.

It would be understandable if people weren’t familiar with him or his game. NC Central is a Historically Black College or University (HBCU), which doesn’t get much attention from football players who play in the power conferences. However, he impressed enough during the bowl that the Chicago Bears are checking him out.

Lambert further detailed what makes Richard an intriguing prospect:

He’s 6’2″ and 220 lbs, so he has NFL size. Richard is also a standout athlete. His dual-threat capability was on full display last year, rushing for 630 yards and 18 touchdowns. One would see that and think he’s a rush-first guy. They would be unwise to think so. Richard can put serious velocity on the ball. It comes out of his hand with a zip, showcasing an ability to fit into tight windows. He threw 21 touchdowns and only four interceptions as a senior, protecting the football far better than he had the previous season.

chicago bears davius richard

NC Central QB Davius Richard in action during his team’s 2022 game vs Jackson State (Celebration Bowl). Credit: Kevin L. Dorsey, ASCII
While Williams will most likely still be the QB of choice for the Chicago Bears, covering their bases is not a bad idea to do. They could invest a Day 2 or Day 3 pick in the NFL Draft with him if they feel Davius Richard is talented enough to matter in the NFL.

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