Ex-Giant Kurt Warner: ‘Nearly impossible’ to scout college quarterbacks

With the 2024 NFL Combine about to begin and the pro days and the NFL draft right behind it, there will be a lot of speculation and debate regarding who the best pro prospects really are.

Quarterback is the most prominent position in the draft and there are plenty of potential stars to choose from. But which one will that ‘slam dunk’ this year?

That’s the million-dollar question that former New York Giants and Hall of Fame quarterback, Kurt Warner, says is impossible to answer at this point of the process.

“I know many of you LOVE college football, but as I start to dive into these college QBs, it’s hard for me to even watch: very few play on schedule, the pass concepts are a mess most of the time, they run the same play over & over, a million bubble screens, can’t find many concepts that translate to next level,” Warner wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter. “And then ppl are asked to figure out how good they will be at next level!? (Nearly impossible in my mind)

“For me CJ Stroud is a great example – obviously really good in college & OSU runs more pro-style concepts than most but they didn’t ask him to process & get ball out as quickly as he did last year in HOU – so I had no idea he would be so good at processing so fast! He’s better in NFL than what we got to see in college, but many times you just don’t know until you know!”

The Giants could be looking to select a quarterback with the No. 6 overall pick in the draft in April and, if Warner is correct, they’ll be rolling the dice, hoping they don’t crap out.

Warner says, “You just don’t know until you know” about quarterbacks, which is disheartening for the teams who are searching for their franchise guy,

The Giants are still wrestling with that question five years after taking Daniel Jones with the sixth overall pick in the 2019 draft.

They’ll be back on the clock at No. 6 this year faced with the same daunting task they failed to complete five years ago.

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