New York Jets’ Aaron Rodgers Reveals Shocking Future Plans

New York Jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers is 40 years old, so you wouldn’t think he would have many years of football left in him.

But he has some pretty big plans for his future.

During a recent appearance on the Look Into It Podcast with Eddie Bravo, Rodgers—who is recovering from a torn Achilles—said he wants to play several more seasons in the NFL before finally calling it quits.

New York Jets’ Aaron Rodgers Reveals Shocking Future Plans

“I got back on the practice field late in the season and couldn’t get to a top speed sprinting, but really been in a good place rehab-wise, from the start, and feeling really good,” Rodgers told Bravo (via Jake Asman of ESPN NY). “I’m hopeful I can play two or three or four more years, but you need to have some good fortune in there to.”

Rodgers is currently under contract with the Jets through 2025 and freshly said that everyone in New York is on the hot seat heading into next season, so whether or not he sees himself with Gang Green for the next four years is anyone’s guess.

However, if Rodgers still looks anything like he did during his final season with the Green Bay Packers in 2023, there is every reason to believe that he can absolutely last a few more years in the league.

Of course, it remains to be seen how Rodgers makes his way back from this injury.

The Jets acquired the future Hall-of-Famer in a blockbuster trade with the Packers last offseason and were instantly labeled Super Bowl contenders as a result.

Unfortunately, Rodgers proceeded to tear his Achilles on New York’s first offensive drive of the regular season, effectively ending the Jets’ championship aspirations.

Rodgers planned on miraculously returning late in the season, but with New York out of the playoff picture in December, Rodgers decide to shelve that idea.

But it seems to be full steam ahead for the four-time MVP going into next year. And perhaps for the next few years after that.

We’ll see how Aaron Rodgers looks come September.

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