Warriors: Stephen Curry’s perfect 3-word shoutout from Russell Wilson at NBA All-Star Game

Russell Wilson could not thank Stephen Curry enough.

NBA All-Star weekend was eventful for Stephen Curry. He started it off blazing with a shootout against Sabrina Ionescu. Then, the Golden State Warriors legend made his record 10th appearance in Sunday’s game. Before he started firing on all cylinders for the Western Conference All-Stars, he had coaching duties to fulfill with Russell Wilson’s stepson. The Denver Broncos quarterback could not have been more thankful to the elite shooter.

Broncos QB Russell Wilson with Warriors Stephen Curry at NBA All-Star weekend

“Shooters Shoot! Thanks @StephenCurry30 #StraightBuckets,” the Broncos’ offensive engine wrote on X.

Russell Wilson had the opportunity to bring his stepson during NBA All-Star weekend. They made the most out of the interaction with the Warriors legend. What happened next was that Stephen Curry taught the young man his shot mechanics and the kid even got to play some light basketball with him.

Curry has a notable soft spot for kids. The Warriors legend is always doing the best that he can when it comes to giving back to the younger generations whether it comes in the form of training camps or generous donations. His ability to connect to the kids makes him one of the most likable individuals in the league at the moment. Mix that with his smile and fatherly instinct and the Warriors star makes for a perfect role model to all of them.

The Warriors legend and NBA All-Star Weekend
Golden State Warriors, Stephen Curry, NBA All-Star Game

Sabrina Ionescu put up a big fight against Curry on Saturday night. The New York Liberty star notched 26 three-pointers on her run for the belt. This would have been enough to top the three-point contestants. However, she was not going up against just anyone. Curry revolutionized the three-pointer which shook up schemes, and just flat-out changed how the game of basketball is played. All of this is because of his elite shooting stroke that continually got better after he left Davidson. The Warriors great scored 29 points to get his win for the weekend.

That was the only victory that the Warriors guard got to experience. The Western Conference All-Stars got decimated in a high-scoring affair. Curry recorded 16 points and eight assists along with five rebounds to close out his weekend. These were not at all bad.

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