Woody Johnson Dunks on Zach Wilson, Puts Pressure on Jets

Woody Johnson has never issued an official playoff mandate in his 24+ years of New York Jets ownership. Although he got pretty close on Thursday, February 8.

“The discussions I’ve had in the last couple of months, they’ve [Robert Saleh and Joe Douglas] seen me about as mad as I can be with what was going on, with the offense particularly,” Johnson said via Rich Cimini of ESPN. “We have all this talent and we have to deploy talent properly. So I think they all got the message. This is it. This is the time to go. We’ve got to produce this year.”

Woody Johnson, Jets

“We have to do a lot better than seven [wins], definitely,” Johnson continued.

Zach Wilson Gets Thrown Under the Bus by Jets Owner
Johnson had a lot to say during his first public appearance since the 2023 season ended for the green and white.

During his media availability at the NFL Honors, Johnson started listing off the Jets’ needs this offseason. When a reporter suggested a backup quarterback, Johnson agreed wholeheartedly.

“You need a backup quarterback,” Johnson stated. “We didn’t have one last year.”

That was a clear shot at the Jets’ backup quarterback last season, Zach Wilson.

Once considered the apple of the Jets’ eye has fallen pretty far from the tree. Cimini reported earlier this week that the Jets planned on trading Wilson this offseason. “If there was any doubt about the team’s intentions, it was erased with Johnson’s stinging comments,” Cimini explained.

The social media reaction to Woody’s comments about Wilson was quite opinionated.

Bleacher Report said he “blasted” Wilson. Yahoo Sports described it as “ripping” Wilson. The New York Post called it “major shade.”

Regardless of your vernacular interpretation, this public diss certainly didn’t help his trade value.

Current and Ex-Jets Alike Miss out on Tantalizing Cowboys Gig
Todd Archer of ESPN revealed on Thursday that the Dallas Cowboys are “expected” to hire veteran coach Mike Zimmer to fill the vacant defensive coordinator position.

America’s Team “had talks” with former Jets head coach Rex Ryan. That caused quite a stir on social media because the coach hasn’t been in the NFL since 2016.

Jets safeties coach Marquand Manuel also interviewed for the position. This is the third different DC role that Manuel has been kicking the tires on over the last two years.

Earlier this offseason he was in the running for the Jacksonville Jaguars gig. Last year he was involved in the Carolina Panthers DC conversation.

With this many prominent interviews in such a short period of time, it seems inevitable that Manuel will eventually leave the team for a promotion. The longtime assistant has earned rave reviews inside and outside the building.

Back in early January, Zack Rosenblatt of The Athletic predicted that Manuel would be a popular name this offseason in coaching circles. Manuel, 44, has been in the NFL coaching circuit since 2012. Although he hasn’t served as a DC since his days with the Atlanta Falcons in 2017-18.

Before becoming a coach, Manuel played eight seasons in the National Football League.

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